There are many people in Alaska who earn their living working on ships and boats of various types. They need this money to provide for themselves and their families. However, there are dangerous jobs in this industry, depending on the types of jobs people perform. If people are injured while they are working on these ships, they may lose income if they are unable to work and also incur various medical expenses to treat the injuries they suffer.
Injured workers may be able to receive compensation under the Jones Act. This statute protects ship workers who suffer injuries while they are working on the ships. It can provide injured workers with both lost income as well as money for medical bills they need to pay as a result of the injury. However, in order to receive this compensation, they need to be a “seaman” under the statute.
Definition of “seaman” under Jones Act
To be a seaman, the worker must work on a ship that is in navigation. Under the definition, ships not only include traditional boats and ships but can also include any type of watercraft that is capable of transportation on water. Also, the ship does not need to be traveling on water in order to be in navigation. It can include ships and boats, which are anchored.
In addition to working on a ship or boat, to be a seaman, the worker has to have a substantial working relationship with the ship. It has to be more than just sporadic or temporary work on the ship to receive coverage under the Jones Act.
There are many people who suffer injuries on ships and boats in Alaska. These injuries can be devastating for people who may no longer be able to work and earn an income. It is important that they receive the compensation that they deserve and need to ensure that they will continue to make ends meet until they are able to work again. Experienced attorneys understand the legal requirements of the Jones Act and may be able to help protect workers’ rights under the Act.