Maritime Injury Claims Against American Seafoods
The six factory trawlers owned by American Seafoods makes the company one of the largest fishing companies in the United States. American Seafoods has the fishing rights to approximately 45 percent of the at-sea Pollock quota and 50 percent of the Hake caught within the U.S. fishing grounds. Vessels owned by American Seafoods include the American Dynasty, American Triumph, Northern Eagle, Ocean Rover, Katie Ann and Northern Eager. The vessels can carry crews of up to 110-145 seaman and range in length from approximately 250-350 feet.
Unfortunately, each year many Alaska crewmen and fish processors are injured while fishing in the Bering Sea. Working at sea as a fish processor or as a deckhand is a demanding and dangerous job. Crewman injured working for even the best fishing companies sometimes suffer severe and permanent injuries. The lawyers at Trueb Berne & Beard, LLP, understand your jobs and your injuries. They have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for injured deckhands and fish processors who live throughout the United States. Our lawyers have been trusted by Alaska commercial fisherman for over 30 years.
We Will Help You Enforce Your Legal Rights
If you have been injured working aboard a vessel owned by American Seafoods it is important for you to understand your rights to compensation under federal maritime laws. In almost all cases, you have the right to maintenance and cure benefits. In cases involving negligence, you have the right to make a claim for compensation under the Jones Act. The vessel’s owner must also provide crewmen with a seaworthy vessel, proper tools, and assign enough men to do the job safely. Fish processing equipment must be safely maintained and properly guarded. Safety procedures and policies must be in place and enforced.
Never admit fault for an injury accident that wasn’t your fault. Maritime laws place a high burden on the employer and vessel owner to provide their crewman and fish processors with a safe place to work. In most fisherman injury cases the injuries to the crewman were preventable if proper safety precautions and proper tools were provided. The vessel has the obligation to not only train their crew but also to supervise the crew to make sure safety procedures are followed. The employer is responsible for your injury when the injury is caused by a fellow crewman.
Our Lawyers Have Over 80 Combined Years Of Maritime Law Experience
Contributory fault is not a bar to a seaman’s claim for compensation for an injury. If your injury accident aggravated a preexisting medical condition you still have rights to pursue compensation for maintenance and cure and damages under the Jones Act.
If you have questions about your maritime rights, contact the Alaska maritime lawyers at Trueb Berne & Beard, LLP. Our lawyers have the experience and maritime legal knowledge necessary to pursue claims against the big fishing companies and their insurance companies. To learn about your rights to benefits under federal maritime law call us at 907-802-4559 or send us a message online.